Welcome to
Beacon Multimedia Services


We are here to help you tell your
video story to your audience.


We are here to help you showcase your ideas,
performance or business by creating an exciting visual presentation for your audience How do we do that ?

First we listen to what you are trying to accomplish.

We take the time to clearly understand your desired
project goals and objectives .


We  help clarify the kind of response you are
trying to achieve with your audience?

We ask the right questions to make sure you are
absolutely confident in getting the results you want.

We have have been helping clients create presentations and tell their video stories for over 25 years.

We will respond with at least two viable options to accomplish your goals with the budget you have in mind.


Every person is unique. Every project is unique. We will help you tell your story uniquely.

Enjoy the advantages of having a dedicated, professional and creative media production team working with you.